Why Did You Choose This School? How to Answer the Challenging Question

When you’re asked, “Why did you choose this school?” during an interview, it can be challenging to provide a response that sets you apart from other candidates. Your answer should showcase your knowledge of the school, demonstrate your passion for your intended major, and illustrate why you would be an excellent fit for the institution. In this article, we will provide tips on how to answer this question and stand out during your interview.

There are also different forms in which the question can be asked, such as:

  • What is it about our college that is most appealing to you?
  • Why do you think our university is a good fit for you?
  • What will you bring to the table?

There are a number of tips and examples below that will assist you in crafting a compelling response to this challenging question.

1. Understand the School’s Unique Qualities

Before answering this question, it’s crucial to research the school’s unique qualities. Find out what makes the institution stand out among its competitors. This research will enable you to provide specific examples of why you’re interested in the school.

2. Know Your Major

Your response to this question should show that you have a clear understanding of your intended major and how it aligns with the school’s curriculum. Research the courses offered and the professors who teach them. By demonstrating your knowledge of the program, you can show that you’re a committed and passionate student.

3. Discuss Your Goals

When answering this question, it’s essential to discuss your long-term goals and how the school will help you achieve them. Talk about the school’s resources, clubs, and organizations that can assist you in pursuing your career aspirations. This will demonstrate your commitment to your chosen field and showcase your motivation to succeed.

4. Mention Relevant Experiences

Highlight any relevant experiences you have that align with the school’s values and curriculum. Discuss any clubs or organizations you’ve been involved in, any research or internships you’ve completed, or any volunteer work you’ve done. These experiences will show that you’re a well-rounded student and that you’ll be an asset to the school community.

5. Connect Your Personal Qualities to the School’s Mission

Make sure to connect your personal qualities and values to the school’s mission. Explain how your unique qualities align with the school’s values and how you can contribute to the community. This will show that you’re an excellent fit for the institution and that you’re committed to its values and goals.

6. Practice Your Answer

Before your interview, practice your answer to this question. Rehearse your response and make sure it flows naturally. Don’t memorize your answer; instead, focus on the key points you want to highlight. This will help you feel more confident and articulate during the interview.

7. Be Honest

Finally, be honest in your response. Don’t say what you think the interviewer wants to hear. Instead, be authentic and share your true motivations for choosing the school. This will help you stand out as a genuine and passionate candidate.

5 Sample Answers To “Why did you choose this university?”

Sample Answer – Small Liberal Arts College/Private School:

I chose [insert liberal arts college] because I thrive on close relationships and a well-rounded education. As a result of the smaller class size, I am confident that I will have the opportunity to build stronger relationships with my professors and classmates as a result of the smaller class size. Throughout the course of the year, I think this college promotes an engaging and collaborative environment that develops well-rounded students. With its smaller campus and tight-knit alumni network, it will be easier for me to achieve my career goals at this university.

Sample Answer – Large University:

I chose [insert your large university] because I value diversity. Diversity is embodied in the programs, clubs, and extracurriculars that the campus offers, but most importantly, in the people that make up the campus. It is important to consider diversity when it comes to all aspects of learning. Having the opportunity to be exposed to a variety of different perspectives and experiences will allow me to become a well-rounded individual and to become a future [insert your profession if you do]. I am also looking forward to taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the large alumni network of the university.

Sample Answer – Specialized/Focused Degree Program:

I chose this college because of your highly rated [area of study program]. I’ve had a passion for this field for a long time. I’m excited to learn from faculty that have built such an excellent program. My skills, as well as my learning style, are a perfect match for the program, and I am confident that I will be successful. Furthermore, I am looking forward to studying at the beautiful campus on which this program is located and taking part in the rich student life she has to offer in addition to this highly regarded program. There is no doubt in my mind that I will be a proud future alumnus of the university.

Sample Answer – Trade School:

I chose [insert trade school name] because I have always been passionate about this type of work. I am very excited to have the opportunity to learn from highly specialized teachers and professionals and to gain a lot of knowledge and experience. As well as providing high-quality training, his school offers a wide range of internship and job opportunities that will prepare me for success in this field, in addition to providing a highly focused training program.

Sample Answer – Community College:

I chose [insert community college name] because flexibility and cost savings are extremely significant to me as I continue my education. I am extremely grateful to be able to spend time at this school gaining valuable knowledge while at the same time working part-time as I pursue my bachelor’s degree. This is an extremely valuable opportunity for me. It is one of my core beliefs that working, as well as learning, is a skill that should be balanced in order to be valuable. Having the option of either online or face-to-face courses appeals to me, and I am eager to learn from you.


In conclusion, the question “Why did you choose this school?” is a challenging one to answer. However, by following the tips we’ve provided, you can create a response that sets you apart from other candidates. Remember to do your research, discuss your goals, highlight relevant experiences, connect your personal qualities to the school’s mission, practice your answer, and be honest. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to impressing your interviewer and securing your place at your dream school.


Why is it important to research the school before answering this question?

Researching the school will enable you to provide specific examples of why you’re interested in the institution, making your response more compelling.

How can I show that I’m a committed and passionate student?

By demonstrating your knowledge of your intended major and how it aligns with the school’s curriculum, you can showcase your commitment and passion for your field.

Should I mention my long-term goals when answering this question?

Yes, discussing your long-term goals and how the school will help you achieve them is an excellent way to showcase your motivation and commitment to your chosen field.

What if I don’t have any relevant experiences to mention?

If you don’t have any relevant experiences to highlight, focus on discussing how your unique qualities and values align with the school’s mission and how you can contribute to the community.

How can I make sure my response sounds authentic and not rehearsed?

While it’s essential to practice your answer, avoid memorizing it word for word. Instead, focus on the key points you want to highlight and allow your response to flow naturally. Also, make sure to be honest in your response and share your true motivations for choosing the school. This will help you sound authentic and genuine.

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